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FUNIBER welcomes representatives of the Zhejiang University, one of the most prestigious universities in China

FUNIBER welcomes representatives of the Zhejiang University, one of the most prestigious universities in China

Representatives of the Zhejiang University, along with directors of the Fundación Educativa China (FEX), visited FUNIBER central headquarters in Barcelona (Spain)

A delegation formed by six representatives of the Alumni Association of Zhejiang University in Spain visited, on February 9th, FUNIBER’s central headquarters in Barcelona The delegation, led by the president of the association, Ji Su Ping, was accompanied by directors of the Fundación Educativa China de Barcelona (FEX), including its president, Zhoumin Ma. On the part of FUNIBER, there were present the Foundation President; Commercial Director, Mónica Gracia; and the Director of the Master’s degree in Business with China and the Asian Pacific, Carlos Marcuello.

The objective of this meeting was to present the University of Zhejiang and to evaluate possible agreements with FUNIBER, as well as the universities that belongs to its University Network, like the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), the International Iberoamerican University of Mexico (UNINI Mexico) and the International Iberoamerican University (UNINI USA)

The University of Zhejiang is, according to the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016, the sixth most important university in China. Este centro de estudios es, además uno de los más antiguos y cosmopolitas del país. Founded in 1897, its campus is in the city of Hangzhou, the capital of the Zhejiang, one of the most thriving territories of China.

For its part, the Fundación Educativa China de Barcelona (Fundació Educativa Xinesa – FEX) is the most important private institution in Spain, and one of the most relevant in Europe, which promotes Chinese language, culture and education This foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with FUNIBER on January with the aim of joining efforts in order to promote academic relations between China and Iberoamerica.

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