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FUNIBER China opens a new office in Shanghai

FUNIBER China opens a new office in Shanghai

The FUNIBER office in China moves from Jinan to Shanghai, the economic capital of China, with the objective of facilitating a better attention to both students sponsored by the foundation and those people requesting information

funiber-china-shanghai-cuerpoRecently, FUNIBER has moved its representation office in China from Jinan to Shanghai. Jinan, capital of Shandong province, is the city where the Foundation began its career education in the world’s most populous country. In this important city, with more than 8 million inhabitants, FUNIBER established its first institutional and academic contacts, which has allowed it to implement its strategy and its operation.

With the growth of FUNIBER in China, the Foundation has moved to a new office in Shanghai for two main reasons: it is the economic capital of the country and one of the world’s most important cities in all fields, also in education. Moreover, cooperation agreements have been signed with various institutions located in that city, which makes necessary the physical presence of the Foundation in Shanghai.

FUNIBER consolidates its commitment to China, whose links with the country come from a long time ago. Since more than 10 years ago, it promotes the Master’s Degree in Biological-Naturist Studies specialized in Acupuncture and/or Chinese Traditional Phytotherapy in collaboration with the European Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and under the supervision of the Chinese Traditional Medicine Universities of Beijing and Yunnan. This program counts with workshops and face-to-face internships at accredited centers in China and Cuba. In addition, since 2015 the Foundation promotes the Master’s Degree in Business with China and Asia-Pacific, a program entitled by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) that teaches to cooperate commercially with the Chinese professionals. This Master’s Degree is about foreign trade, investments, marketing, human resources, business law, among other disciplines; It also studies China as a country and market, and analyzes its corporate culture.

From the new Shanghai office, information and advice service will be offered on the Scholarship Program for Graduate Studies, Master’s Degrees and PhDs in the different areas of knowledge promoted by the Foundation. Furthermore, personalized attention will be provided to students who have been granted with a FUNIBER scholarship, and activities related to the educational and cultural spheres that are developed in the country will be supported.

FUNIBER‘s move to Shanghai is a clear sign of progress and consolidation of the Foundation in the Asian giant. In this sense, the Foundation continues to work on its global expansion with the purpose of facilitating access to a quality higher education, without distinction or exclusion.

Contact details:

FUNIBER office in China

Room 1407, Nº 488 South Wuning Road, Jin’ an District

Shangai, 200042

Phone number: +86 (021) 5118 2497

E-mail: china@funiber.org